Our courses have a 95% satisfaction rating!

I empower young minds with enduring tools that shape their lifelong journey:

Confidence, clarity, and emotional intelligence.

Ever sense that there’s untapped potential within you, ready to be unveiled?


Ever feel like you’re falling short of your true potential?

Deep inside, you sense a reservoir of untapped capabilities, a desire to live an authentic life.

Perhaps confidence wavers, focus falters, or just being yourself feels like a challenge.

No matter your efforts, the pieces never quite align.

It’s as if something’s holding you back, a barrier to reaching the heights you know you can achieve.

But imagine if there’s a different path.

A way to unlock a brighter, more fulfilled version of you.


Mental Matters Online Zoom Meeting with Multiple Students learning about Self Confidence.


• Uncover the power of your thoughts and their impact on your life

• Master the art of visualization to manifest your desires

• Cultivate a world-class mindset for goal achievement

• Establish unwavering consistency in your pursuits

• Understand the profound connection between thoughts, beliefs, actions, and life outcomes

• Harness the advantages of attitude and perception

• Build enduring confidence

• Prepare effectively for high-stress scenarios

• Satisfy your curiosity by addressing all your questions about how you function

Ready To Make A Change?

Download the Self Discovery home Study Course.

A focused , confident, and happier you.

Group of past students gathered around on an ice rink excited about their coach


Each individual holds the potential for greatness, as defined by their own aspirations. Let’s unleash that potential together, propelling you towards your unique goals.


Empower yourself with the ability to cultivate a calm, poised, and confident inner headspace, regardless of the situation. Once you conquer your mind, mastering anything becomes possible.


Training kids at an ice rink, occasionally getting out surfing, romping around with my daughters, or drinking epic coffee somewhere in San Diego.



Meditation, gratitude work, staying active, and LOTS of cold brew coffee. Connecting with my clients in person, on zoom or on our weekly calls.

Experience a clearer, happier, and more confident you, with just one exceptional coach by your side.

Greetings, I’m Noah—a seasoned professional with a passion for sports, personal development, and sharing the secrets to mental prowess.

My background spans multiple roles—Coach, Writer, Podcaster, and yes, I’ve proudly worn the badge of a pro athlete. But there’s more to my story—I’m also a devoted husband and a proud parent, navigating life’s challenges just like you.

However, it hasn’t all been glory and triumph. I’ve encountered the mental battles, those intense moments before pivotal competitions, and even faced the tough question of whether to continue, despite holding a coveted scholarship offer from the prestigious University of Notre Dame for hockey.

A pivotal moment in my journey came when I crossed paths with Dave Poulin. His guidance on cultivating a world-class mindset reshaped the trajectory of my life. I’ve dedicated myself to continuous learning, delved into extensive self-improvement, and had the privilege of mentoring numerous young individuals.

Recall the days when pre-game jitters and the fear of errors were paralyzing? I’ve been there, and I’ve emerged victorious. Through disciplined mental conditioning, I’ve evolved from a tentative, unfocused youth into a confident, laser-focused professional athlete.

My mission is clear: to be your ally on the path to unlocking your full potential. Together, we’ll build unwavering confidence, lasting happiness, and the resilience to excel in every facet of life. Consider me your guide as we embark on this transformative journey, where success and fulfillment await. Let’s dive in, shall we? 🌟

my life.  After reading hundreds of books, working for hundreds of hours on myself, and now having taught many kids these skills I want to share it with the world.

I used to be terrified to compete because I was so nervous I would make a mistake. 

Using the skills I want to share with you I went from a nervous, unfocused, and unconfident young adult to a full-on professional athlete with a world-class mindset.

And I want to help you become your best, happiest and most confident self.


Download your FREE confidence affirmations Worksheet.

Beat the inner critic and become your own biggest supporter with this FREE affirmations worksheet for confidence.

Past Hockey Player who is a graduate of the course along with an endorsement from his parents about the confidence he built


“The course gave my child an amazing opportunity to get guidance and support from someone experienced. My child was engaged during the sessions and complete homework exercises!” 

“This course helped me build my confidence and it was fun to see other hockey players and good to know that they have the same problems.”

 – Angela Chen (Parent)